Monday, February 21, 2011

One more thing...

I forgot to mention it, but the idea of the pantry with the red screen door (see a previous post)  is probably not going to be a reality after all. Once we removed the fireplace surround, and the bead board behind it.....and some of the other stuff connected to the fireplace, it looked pretty least to us, so we've decided to leave the fireplace open to expose the stone on the front and sides. Instead of an enclosed pantry with a screen door, Jim is going to build the wall I mentioned in the previous post and we'll slide some type of storage cabinet into that little cubby least that's the plan until something else changes our minds!


Red screen door pantry....out.
Red cabinet slid into cubby

Sunnybrook --- 3 days in a row!

I FINALLY got to Sunnybrook!  Actually, I was there Saturday, Sunday and today (Monday)!  Saturday we got there too late to actually get any work done; however, Sunday we were able to get the kitchen ceiling totally torn out and the mess cleaned up. The kitchen demolition is complete!

I guess the next step will be leveling the ceiling, insulating and then putting bead board up.  Next we'll be ready for insulation in the walls, followed by drywall and bead board. I'm getting say the least!

We got a very good picture of the kitchen fireplace.  Jim will build a wall on the left side of the fireplace, which will separate the kitchen and dining room. This will give us more room for some type of a storage cabinet.

At some point, hopefully not to far in the future, we'll refinish the kitchen floor and then we can start putting in the appliances and the cabinets....making it look like a real kitchen!

We also made plans today for a new bathroom that will be going in upstairs, over top of the kitchen. Below is a picture of that room. More to come when that actually takes place, not in the too near future though.  My clawfoot tub will probably be catacornered here.  Plumbing....yuck!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Kitchen sink base.

My kitchen sink base is setting in the garage. Well, that's a bit deceiving. I guess I should phrase it more like this: The wood and screws for my sink base are setting in the garage. Jim and I went to Lowe's and bought all that stuff....and then he dropped his saw and it broke into smithereens. Not to worry, a new saw is now bought and ready for the task. I will post pictures.

For now, that's about all there is to say. However, we are planning a trip to Sunnybrook, and I actually get to go this time. Jim has been 3 or 4 times since the last time I was there. I'm anxious to see for myself what he's done in the kitchen. I'm excited. I'll be decorating before you know it!

Oh, and I do think I'm going to go ahead and paint the sleeping porch upstairs and start putting some furniture up there....soon.  I will post pictures of that too....before and after...once it's actually done.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Saturday Shopping

Jim and I went to some antique stores on Saturday, which is one of my FAVORITE ways to spend time.  Believe it or not, we went there looking for an old fireplace match holder I saw a few months ago. It cost nearly nothing then, and although I liked it I had no reason to buy it at that time. Wonder of wonders, it was STILL there; however, the price had gone up, so I still left without it. It wasn't old after all though, and Jim can make me one I'll like even better. He said, "I'll add it to the list."  I have a wonderful husband....he can do pretty much anything!  I did buy some things for the old wire egg basket, a little wooden shelf and a couple of old things to use more or less for decorating purposes just to sit around....on old grater jar and a small copper pitcher.

We also visited a upholstery store looking for material to cover the dining room chairs with.  They had WAY too many choices. I love my husband too much to torture him, so I'll go back by myself another day and spend forever hours looking for something I like. They had all sorts of material that I think would look good in a country setting. I'm leaning towards a cream/white gingham check with tiny red flowers. I like the sound of cream colored walls and using yellow gingham mixed with the dark wood dining table......and some other barn red furniture pieces.....I least today.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Kitchen counter decor

I kinda like this cluttered kitchen counter look..with the assorted counter boxes.                          

I like the way both of these kitchens look. The one at the right looks great, but it doesn't give you very much actual counter space to work on.  In our Sunnybrook kitchen there's not going to be very much counter space as it is, so I know I'll have to pick and choose wisely.


I've been looking for a bread box I like, or one I can make likeable.  I'm definitely getting a bread box. Above are the two bread boxes I've been looking at. I'm leaning towards the one on the left, which I would have to have painted a different color.

The box at right (with the red flower) is another counter box. It's a candle box; however, you could use it for little things like matches,
candle lighters, lids, napkins, snacks......even band-aids, lotion, etc. The possibilities are endless. 


This is a knife box, which (again) I would have to paint another color. I like this look better than a knife block, but I don't know if it'd be a safe as a knife block!

And, finally this is a nesting box. I think it would look great on top of the fridge with cookbooks in it. I don't like to cook, but I love cookbooks....and have a ton of them (though never too many!)  I like the way the nesting box looks as is, but I do love the idea of the cookbooks better.

By the way, all the above pictures were snagged from one place or another off the internet y'all.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Stove, refrigerator and more.

Jim spent a looong day at Sunnybrook....ALONE. Of course, I was stuck here working, but I did have a wonderful evening with wonderful friends.

The kitchen appliances were delivered yesterday, which means we are one step closer to having a completed kitchen! The fridge was a little  stubborn, requiring that some door piece (?) be removed to allow it to squeeze through with nary an inch to spare.

However, it's now safe and sound in the living room with the rest of the furniture.....waiting for their rightful spot in whichever room its meant to live in.
The range was much more willing to fit through the door, and is too sitting there..
in the living room....waiting,waiting, waiting.

By spring/EARLY summer, I'm hoping we'll at least have a kitchen. But, gosh, it doesn't look too hopeful when you still see it looking like this....

The ceiling will have to be completely removed.

More air leaks plugged, with insulation to follow.


   Well, that's about it....for now...but first...'s a quick peak at the dining is. Jim sat the table up so I could have an idea of its dimension in the dining room. I got it for $250.00.... a great deal. It has a table leaf and two more chairs, but those chairs will have to be covered...for sure. I love this dining set but I have to admit that I don't really love it in this farmhouse dining room. Anyone want to buy a good dining room set? :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Nothing new...

I promise a Sunnybrook update this coming Friday folks! They are delivering kitchen appliances on Thursday and Jim will be going down alone, sadly, to wait...wait...wait for them to arrive.  Unfortunately, I have to work and, again unfortunately, we don't have internet access at Sunnybrook at this time, if ever....which presents a BIG problem for this medical transcriptionist who works from home!!  At this point, we have NO good option for internet access. At any rate, stay tuned to an update on Friday.